Web 1 vs Web 2 vs Web 3
In 1990, the World Wide Web was born. Web 1 was the first version, and it was very basic. You open a browser, type a website address, and press enter. You can begin browsing the website after it has loaded on the screen.

There was no one in charge of Web 1. You can read, explore, and buy anything from web pages as long as you have an internet connection. HTTP was the standard, universal, and open protocol that Web 1 followed.
However, the user experience was restricted. We would visit websites to learn more about them, but we would never create anything on our own. That privilege was reserved for a restricted group of people: programmers. In the early days (Web 1) of the internet, the majority of us were only consumers of content provided by others.
The web in this iteration lasted until 2004. Then came Facebook, which ushered in the social media revolution, sometimes known as Web2. Instead of just browsing, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube have made it possible for anybody to generate content. There were no coding skills required. People can use the platform to create posts, upload photos, share and enjoy videos, and connect with others. On Web 2, you are both a consumer and a creator.
We are living in the Web 2 age. And, while it improved our lives in many ways, it also caused a number of issues.
Instead of being a free and open internet, it is now completely controlled by a few corporations. As the proprietors of Web 2 platforms — Zuckerberg and his associates — became the primary winners, financial disparity worsened. The rest of us, on the other hand, are unpaid participants.

We either don’t make any money or get a minuscule portion of the value we provide when we post, like, share, and remark. However, we, the users, are the lifeblood of these platforms. They’re nothing without us.
We have no control over our data under Web 2, including where it is stored and with whom it is shared. Platform owners acquire and sell our personal information to a variety of corporations, often without our knowledge or consent. What exactly do we get out of this wonderful deal? Except for personalized advertisements and recommendations, there’s nothing substantial.
Because of the lack of ownership, there is a loss of privacy and anonymity. When using Web 2 sites, users who live under oppressive regimes are in considerable danger. To suppress unpopular ideas and viewpoints, governments can track individuals and shut down entire websites.
There’s also the problem of censorship to consider. We’ve seen Web 2 platforms suspend accounts, erase postings, and ban users simply because their views disagree with the platform’s “politics.”
Some entrepreneurs and engineers are working on the next generation of the web, known as Web 3.0, to address these and other issues.
Web 3 is a decentralized system. This means that the network is powered by millions of computers around the world rather than a few company-owned data centers. The blockchain, the technology that underpins Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, inspired this decentralized network.
Dapps (decentralized apps) are Web 3-protocol-based applications that cannot be shut down by entities, businesses, or governments. Anyone with a computer can contribute to the network’s operation.
Web 3 allows both users and makers to earn money and make a life. This is conceivable because cryptocurrency tokens fuel d’apps and other Web 3 applications. Tokens are earned every time you use, improve, or engage with the game. The more you play, the more tokens you will earn. The tokens you acquire will increase in value over time. You have the option of keeping your profits or exchanging them for fiat currency.
Most of us can’t invest in startups and early enterprises in today’s business environment because we don’t have enough money or because we live in the incorrect countries—think Tunisia, Pakistan, and so on. This disparity is broken by Web 3. Decentralization allows people from all walks of life to invest in initiatives at any stage of development.
Everyone has “skin in the game” because Web 3 is based on the notion of shared ownership. Everyone benefits when a Web 3 platform expands and flourishes, not just a chosen few. You are a user, a creator, and, most importantly, an owner of Web 3.
Author: Norbert Ephraim
(Web 3 Enthusiast, 09023029203)